Innovative domestic and family violence service providers the Family Peace Initiative (FPI) are returning to Australia in October / November for SPEAQ Forum 2023. Following a very enthusiastic reception in 2022 at the SPEAQ Forum in Cairns and related events, the organising committee has decided to invite Steve Halley and Dorthy Stucky Halley again for this year’s SPEAQ Forum with the theme SPEAQ Now: Deeping Our Conversations for Change. A series of events are planned around their visit again this year, providing the opportunity for practitioners to dive deeper into their unique trauma-responsive approach to intervention work with those who have perpetrated domestic and family violence.
24th October* 9 am – 4 pm (Sydney time): Cracking the Code: Understanding Motives of those Who Perpetrate Domestic and Family Violence and the Connection to Risk and Lethality
Location: Online
Over the years, there have been a number of attempts to describe and make sense of the diversity and variation in patterns of perpetration and victimisation in Domestic and Family Violence cases. Numerous typologies have been created and while demonstrating usefulness in conceptualising DFV, none have found great application in practice (see the AIC’s 2015 publication).
Dorthy Stucky Halley and Steve Halley have developed a Typology of Motive in DFV conceived from victim’s voices which has clear links to risk and lethality and has been of practical value in informing their day to day practice for over a decade. Typologies based on motive exist for other crimes including sexual offending but not in the DFV field, where there has been a strong tendency to presume a motive of patriarchal entitlement. A broader understanding of motive provides valuable insights that that can improve safety planning with partners, children and family members, and intervention efforts with persons using violence. Read their bios here.
This webinar provides a unique opportunity to learn about this typology and its practical application, developed by practitioners who have worked extensively both with those perpetrating DFV, and those subjected to DFV.
*Please note: A recording will now be available to registrants for 30 days after the presentation through to 23/11/23. Completion certificates are available only for those attending on the day.
Download the flyer to find out more about this webinar or register here.
30, 31 October & 1 November: SPEAQ Forum 2023 Deepening our Conversations for Change
Location: Events on Oxlade, Brisbane
Steve and Dorthy are providing a number of sessions at the Forum. Bookings for all of these can be done via the SPEAQ Forum 2023 information page.
Monday 30/10 1pm – 4pm Pre-conference Workshop: Introduction to the River of Cruelty model and a Typology of Motive in DFV
The River of Cruelty Model explains how cruelty passes from person to person and generation to generation, and points to a pathway for healing and ending the cycle.
FPI’s Typology of Motive looks at the different motives of those using DFV, and the different behaviours and dangers to their victims. This deeper and more nuanced understanding of domestic violence provides practical information that can improve safety planning with victims and children, and intervention efforts with persons using violence.
For more info download the flyer.
Attendance at this workshop is valuable for all DFV professionals, and is strongly recommended for those attending the SPEAQ Forum Days 1 and 2 who did not attend SPEAQ Forum 2022 in Cairns. The workshop provides valuable background to the sessions presented by FPI on Days 1 and 2. It will also be valuable as a standalone training event.
Please Note: The registration for this workshop is not included in registration for Days 1 and 2, and must be specified separately when purchasing registrations.
Tuesday 31/10 1:30 – 3:30pm Trauma-responsive practice: The Enlightened Witness and Golden Shadow Message.
Using an experiential approach, this workshop will explore the fundamentals of the Internal-focused dialogue, including working with feelings, connecting to the power of the “Golden Shadow Message” and understanding the power of Alice Miller’s “Enlightened Witness”. Participants will learn practical skills that can be applied immediately to their intervention work with those who have perpetrated DFV.
This session is part of SPEAQ Forum 2023 (Day 1) and provides a deeper dive into a couple of of FPI’s trauma-responsive ideas and practice. Registrations are here.
Wednesday 1/11 1:30 – 3:30pm Trauma-responsive practice: The Funnel Conversation – A few questions toward Transformational Change.
Combining multiple trauma-responsive tools to facilitate an internal-focussed dialogue, the funnel conversation provides a roadmap for transformational change. This workshop will teach individual components of a trauma-responsive approach. Using curiosity about the client’s lived experience to connect the cruelty that they enact on others with the cruelty they have experienced, the funnel conversation then points to a resolution of difficult situations faced by the client, and movement towards healthy choices in relationship.
This session is part of SPEAQ Forum 2023 (Day 2). Registrations are here.
Wednesday 1/11 1:00 – 4:00pm Hot Topics.
This session is part of SPEAQ Forum 2023 (Day 2). Steve and Dorthy will facilitate small group discussions on a couple of topics in the Hot Topics session.
2 & 3 November: The Art of Facilitation: A trauma-responsive approach to men’s behaviour change
Location: Quaker Meeting House, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane
Facilitation training for DFV intervention work: This experiential, evidence-based, trauma-focused training is FPI’s foundational course, packed full of skills and ideas that can be immediately implemented in perpetrator intervention work. Participants will learn the River of Cruelty model, leading by example, the power of self-disclosure, increasing introspection, the process of healing from trauma and much more!
- For those attending the SPEAQ Forum, this training provides an opportunity to further understand and develop skills in the FPI approach, building on presentations at the Forum.
- The training will also of be of value as a standalone professional development experience.
Download the flyer to find out more about this powerful training or register here.
Information about last year’s FPI visit to Australia can be found on this post.