Queenslanders: You’ve come to the right place. There are resources here for you.
Domestic and Family violence is a pattern of violent, abusive and controlling behaviours that take many different forms. It happens within intimate relationships as well as between family members.
If you live in another state please use these links:
For anyone affected by someone else’s use of violence:
From anywhere in Australia – call 1800 RESPECT or visit their website.
For anyone using violence or abusive behaviour:
From Vic, NSW, or Tas – call MRS on 1300 766 491 or visit the NTV website
In WA – find services on the SFV website
Or from anywhere in Australia – call Changing for Good on 1300 015 120 or visit the Mensline Australia website.
This website provides information primarily for men who have used domestic and family violence, and those affected by their behaviour.
If your situation is different, there’s also information and links for you on this page.
What’s your situation?
For men who have been using abusive or controlling behaviour with a partner, ex-partner or family members
For women or family members affected by a man’s violence and control
- If you've experienced violence and need more information, there are many good services and sources of information for you. Here's a starting point provided by the Qld Government or search the 1800 RESPECT service directory.
- If you're ready to call someone now, connect with professional help from Domestic and Family Violence services in your local area or call DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811.
- If you've experienced abuse and want your partner, ex-partner or family member to get help >> read more here
- If someone close to you is attending a men's DFV behaviour change program and you need more information about it >> read more here
Domestic and Family Violence affects many people – directly and indirectly.
The costs are high and the impacts last long after the violence stops.
For your children, partner or those closest to you.
For you as a person, for the direction and quality of your life.
Change is possible.
One step at a time.
My situation is different – where can I get help?
For men who have experienced violence and control from someone close to them:
- Call DVConnect Mensline on 1800 600 636. This service is based in Qld and is available between 9 am and midnight. Talk over your situation and get info on services close to you. Or visit their website.
- Call the national service for people who have experienced abuse 1800 RESPECT or visit their website.
- You can also call the Men's Referral Service on 1300 766 491 between 8 am and 9 pm Monday to Friday, or 9 am to 5 pm on weekends. This service is based in Victoria, but will answer calls from anywhere in Australia.
For women who have used violence, abuse or controlling behaviour:
- It's useful to talk over your situation with someone - call DVConnect or 1800 RESPECT.
- Some SPEAQ members provide programs or counselling for women who've used domestic and family violence. Look here for a service in your area.
For gender diverse people who have used or experienced domestic and family violence:
- The Queensland government has launched a new campaign to support gender diverse people dealing with domestic and family violence.
- If you've been using abusive and controlling behaviour, and need help to stop: Some domestic and family violence behaviour change programs can provide individual counselling where group participation isn't appropriate. Find a DFV behaviour change service in your local area.
- Contact Relationships Australia's Rainbow Counselling Service.
- Further resources: download the Queer Without Fear booklet, or visit http://www.anothercloset.com.au/
If you know someone who has domestic and family violence in their life:
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- I'm concerned for someone’s safety and wellbeing? Who can I talk to? Where can I get more information?
- Are you concerned about the way someone you know is acting towards their partner or family? Who can I talk to? Ring Mensline or 1800 Respect. Where can I get more information?
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I’ve been on both sides of the violence. I need to understand it.
When someone experiences violence, abuse or coercive control from another person, particularly over along period of time, they can also react with violence. In some relationships both people use aggression and cause harm. These situations are complex and can be confusing. To add to this, even when both people use aggression, it's rarely an equal fight.
Here's a few starting points to help you make sense of it:
- Responding with violence or abuse can seem like the only answer at the time, but it's also be unsafe, and could be illegal.
- You can only take responsibility for your behaviour - the other person is responsible for theirs.
- Whatever is going on - safety has to be first priority.
- Read more about where your responsibility starts and ends here ...
- It's not possible to work it all out by reading a website. Talk to someone who understands and can help you get a clearer perspective on what's happening.
Talk to a professional
- Men: call DVConnect Mensline - 1800 600 636 - 7 days a week between 9 am and midnight.
- Men: Call the Men's Referral Service on 1300 766 491 between 8 am and 9 pm Monday to Friday, or 9 am to 5 pm on weekends.
- Women: call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)