
Program Details

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Men & Co Services

This organisation is an Approved Provider under the Domestic and Family Violence Act 2012. The Domestic and Family Violence Intervention Program or Counselling provided by this organisation is an Approved Program.
Program Name: Responsible Men Behaviour Change Program (property of YFS Ltd)
Phone: (07) 3439 8640
Address: Redlands and South Moreton Bay Islands
Opening Hours:

8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday (Face to Face by Appointment only)

Type of Services Offered:
Men's DFV Behaviour Change - Group Program
DFV Behaviour Change services - Online program
Court Information and Assistance
Other service

Program Description:

Responsible Men is an intensive behaviour-change program for men in the Redlands area aged 18 years and above, who use violence or are controlling in their relationships. Men & Co. Services is an approved program provider across the Redlands region including the Southern Moreton Bay Islands.
During the Responsible Men program we focus on how you can take responsibility to change your behaviour and decision-making without using violence, and how you can use this knowledge to make positive changes for healthy and safe relationships. Through group work, we assist you to acknowledge and recognise your own behaviour and to change your verbal, financial and psychological abuse, stalking and other behaviours that instil fear.

Over 16 weeks, we cover topics such as:
• what domestic and family violence is
• its impacts
• values
• beliefs.

We help you work out how to change your behaviour and how to maintain change.

To be eligible to join the Responsible Men program, you:
• must think you have a problem with violence
• be under Voluntary Intervention Orders, or
• be referred by community or government agencies.

It is important to note that even when mandated to attend our program, we need you to contact our service to begin the intake process. We accept service referrals, self-referrals, and court orders.

Contact Men & Co Services

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