
SPEAQ Forum 2024 Presenter Info – Dr Ron Frey

We’re delighted to have Dr Ron Frey with us for SPEAQ Forum 2024. Ron has had a rich and varied career in clinical practice, academia and training, and is presenting a session called Where can a serious consideration of trauma in men who use violence take us? , as well as facilitating a couple of small groups in the Hot Topics sessions. Ron will be around for the entire Forum so feel free to catch up with him for a chat at any time.


Here’s the bio Ron has provided for us:

Dr. Ron Frey is a registered psychologist who has worked with child abuse, family violence and other forms of trauma for the past 45 years. He taught courses on developmental psychology, trauma, human sexuality and gender in the School of Psychology and Counselling at the Queensland University of Technology for 28 years, and currently holds a visiting appointment on the QUT faculty. Whilst living in Queensland, Ron worked for a period of 11 ½ years as a child and family therapist at the Talera Centre, a specialist family violence treatment service, and served on the Board of Directors of DV Connect for 10 years. He also worked in private practice as a forensic psychologist with men who used violence for 19 years, and trained clergy and church leaders about DFV with the Queensland Council of Churches for 12 years. He also served on the committee of the Queensland Law Society which developed the best practice guidelines for courts and lawyers who deal with family violence, in response to the Not Now, Not Ever report, and wrote the sections addressing best practice for child witnesses of violence.

Since relocating to Tasmania, Ron holds an appointment as an adjunct senior lecturer at the Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies, University of Tasmania, where he contributes to research into family violence. Ron worked with the Utas team which developed the parenting program for men who use violence, Start Today Again in 2018, and developed in 2020, with Dr. Romy Winter the DV Alert Men Who use Violence workshops for Lifeline, which has now been delivered in over 100 locations across Australia, and is currently under revision. Ron’s current academic interests include trauma and vicarious trauma, trauma informed care, developing a couples’ program for couples who have complex trauma in their developmental histories, trauma informed policing and reforms to the child protection system.

Ron also has extensive experience in the Child Protection field, which is not included here for brevity.

Here’s a couple of links that give an idea of what Ron has been up to, though please be aware these are not currently up to date.



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